Tracing Execution of Software for Design Coverage

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Title: Tracing Execution of Software for Design Coverage

Main Research Question: How can design coverage be used to improve the development of test suites for software systems?

Methodology: The researchers proposed a generic approach to provide design coverage of executed software. This approach involves tracing the execution of software and analyzing the results to visualize coverage of design diagrams. They implemented this approach using the Third Eye tracing and trace analysis framework.

Results: The researchers demonstrated their approach on common design abstractions such as statecharts, activity diagrams, message sequence charts, and structure diagrams. They showed that design coverage can help test engineers create test suites faster by focusing on untested design elements.

Implications: Design coverage tools can simplify the process of developing test suites by providing information about which parts of the design are covered during system execution. This can help test engineers understand what parts of the source code do and how they relate to requirements, even when the source code is generated by code generators or is otherwise difficult to understand. Design coverage tools can also be used in conjunction with code coverage tools to provide a more comprehensive view of software coverage.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0109019v1