Chain Programs for Writing

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Title: Chain Programs for Writing

Research Question: How can deterministic metainterpreters be written more efficiently?

Methodology: The authors propose a technique called "chain form" for converting logic programs into a form that is easier to reason about. This form allows the programmer to focus on the unification of clauses, simplifying the design of deterministic metainterpreters. Two transformations are presented for converting logic programs into chain form: one for "moded" programs and another for arbitrary definite programs.

Results: The authors provide examples of how their approach can be applied to various applications, such as converting object programs into chain form, and illustrating the three applications mentioned above.

Implications: This technique simplifies the design of deterministic metainterpreters, making it easier to write these metainterpreters for logic programs. It also opens up new possibilities for applications that require deterministic metainterpreters, such as exhaustively traversing search spaces and implementing search strategies with logic programs equivalent to flowcharts.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0104003v1