1An Exploratory Study of Mobile Computing Use by Knowledge Workers

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Title: 1An Exploratory Study of Mobile Computing Use by Knowledge Workers

Research Question: How do knowledge workers use mobile computing devices, and what are the implications for mobile application development?

Methodology: The study involved 10 senior developers, analysts, technical managers, and senior organizational managers who used Compaq iPAQ PDAs for 20 weeks. The participants were surveyed and interviewed throughout the study period to understand how frequently they used the devices, what applications they used, and where they used the devices.

Results: The results showed that knowledge workers used their mobile devices in various ways, such as accessing email, scheduling meetings, and managing tasks. The study also identified characteristics of successful mobile applications, including ease of use, relevance to the task, and the ability to improve work processes.

Implications: The study suggests that mobile computing devices can be highly useful for knowledge workers. It also provides insights into the design of mobile applications, highlighting the importance of ease of use, relevance, and the ability to improve work processes. The study's findings can guide developers in creating effective mobile applications for knowledge workers.

Link to Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/0312017v1 Authors: arXiv ID: 0312017v1