ATLAS Control System Relational Databases

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Title: ATLAS Control System Relational Databases

Abstract: The ATLAS Control System at Argonne National Laboratory uses two types of databases: a real-time database for immediate control of the accelerator and a relational database for archiving and restoring accelerator configurations. This study discusses the history of these databases, their interaction, and the design of a new Web-based operator interface.

Main Question: How can the ATLAS Control System's relational databases be improved to better support the accelerator's operation?

Methodology: The researchers examined the existing Vsystem real-time database, Oracle Rdb relational database, and Corel Paradox relational database. They analyzed their interactions, strengths, and weaknesses. They also designed a new Web-based operator interface to improve the system's usability.

Results: The study found that the Oracle Rdb relational database was used to store infrequently changing information about the accelerator. Corel Paradox was used for tune archiving to expedite the startup of new experiments. The researchers designed a new Web-based operator interface that improved the system's usability.

Implications: The improved Web-based operator interface made it easier for operators to control the accelerator. The study also highlighted the importance of using appropriate databases for different types of information, ensuring efficient and accurate operation of the ATLAS Control System.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0111004v1