Database-Centric WebApplications

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Title: Database-Centric WebApplications

Main Research Question: How can the efficiency of database-centric Web applications be improved when dealing with exploratory queries and a large number of alternatives for search attributes?

Methodology: The researchers proposed a server-side query relaxation algorithm called SAUNA. This algorithm takes the user's initial range query and a desired cardinality for the answer set. It produces a relaxed query that is expected to contain the required number of answers. The algorithm incorporates a range-query-specific distance metric and uses multi-dimensional histograms for query size estimation.

Results: The performance evaluation of SAUNA indicated that its relaxed queries can significantly reduce the costs associated with exploratory query processing. This was observed across a variety of multi-dimensional datasets.

Implications: The SAUNA algorithm can improve the efficiency of database-centric Web applications by reducing the need for repetitive exploratory queries and providing the desired number of answers. This can lead to better user satisfaction and improved performance, especially when accessing the service through wireless channels.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0310035v1