Diverse Tools Built on the Annotation Graph Toolkit

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Title: Diverse Tools Built on the Annotation Graph Toolkit

Research Question: How can a common toolkit be used to create diverse annotation tools for various linguistic tasks?

Methodology: The researchers developed four tools - TableTrans, MultiTrans, InterTrans, and TreeTrans - using the Annotation Graph Toolkit (AGTK). Each tool is designed for a specific task: observational coding (TableTrans), transcribing multi-party communicative interactions (MultiTrans), creating interlinear text aligned to audio (InterTrans), and creating and manipulating syntactic trees (TreeTrans).

Results: The study demonstrated that the development of diverse tools and reuse of software components is greatly facilitated by a common high-level application programming interface for representing data and managing input/output, along with a common architecture for managing the interaction of multiple components.

Implications: The AGTK and the tools built upon it provide a flexible and efficient framework for creating annotation tools for various linguistic tasks. This approach saves time and resources by allowing developers to focus on the specific requirements of their task, rather than on developing a new tool from scratch.

Link to Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/0204006v1 Authors: arXiv ID: 0204006v1