Evgueniy Vitchev's UPLNC Compiler: Design and Implementation
Title: Evgueniy Vitchev's UPLNC Compiler: Design and Implementation
Abstract: Evgueniy Vitchev developed a compiler for the UPLNC programming language. The compiler supports multiple dimensions, structures, and methods. It also includes a recursive or iterative algorithm for calculating summations with an unknown number of indices. The compiler is written in the same language as the one it compiles, allowing it to compile itself. This work was inspired by Small C and RatC, and the compiler was initially designed to translate Small C to UPLNC. Over time, the compiler was improved and rewritten, eventually being able to produce correct code. The final result was a compiler for UPLNC, written in the same language, and capable of compiling itself.
Link to Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/0402043v1 Authors: arXiv ID: 0402043v1