Hybrid Systems: A Summary
Title: Hybrid Systems: A Summary
Main Research Question: How can we effectively compute and represent the reach sets of continuous variables in hybrid systems?
Methodology: The authors propose a computational method for obtaining the reach sets of continuous variables in a hybrid system. They also describe a new algorithm to over-approximate with polyhedra the reach sets of the continuous variables with linear dynamics and polyhedral initial set.
Results: The authors illustrate their algorithms with typical interest examples.
Implications: This research has implications for the field of hybrid systems, as it provides a method for computing and representing the reach sets of continuous variables, which is a crucial problem in the analysis and synthesis of such systems. The over-approximation method can be used to verify safety requirements and under-approximation can be used to characterize a set of states from which a desirable property is always achievable.
Link to Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/0202006v1 Authors: arXiv ID: 0202006v1