ILOG 9 rue de Verdun 94253 Gentilly Cedex France
Title: ILOG 9 rue de Verdun 94253 Gentilly Cedex France
Research Question: How can graphical features be used to visualize and debug optimization problems in ILOG OPL Studio?
Methodology: The authors used ILOG OPL Studio, a graphical development environment for optimization problems, to visualize and debug optimization problems. They focused on combining propagation and search information using the Search Tree view and the Propagation Spy.
Results: The authors presented a new synthetic view called the Christmas Tree, which combines the Search Tree view with statistics on domain reduction and propagation events. This view provides users with an interactive and familiar way to visualize and debug optimization problems.
Implications: The Christmas Tree view can be a valuable tool for users of optimization problems, as it allows them to visualize and debug their problems more effectively. This can lead to faster and more accurate solutions.
Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0111040v2