Mobile Web Information Re-Finding Using Voice Interfaces
Title: Mobile Web Information Re-Finding Using Voice Interfaces
Research Question: How can voice interfaces support mobile users' needs for re-finding web information?
Methodology: The researchers developed an exploratory prototype called WebContext, a voice-controlled service accessible by telephone. They conducted an experiment to examine how people approach and converse about re-finding web information. Pairs of human participants engaged in collaborative, information re-finding tasks.
Results: The study revealed that participants used URLs, page titles, and descriptions of page contents to identify waypoints in the search process. Furthermore, they observed that end-user-created Web page annotations were utilized extensively, indicating that explicitly added context by the user can play an important role in re-finding.
Implications: These findings suggest that voice interfaces can be used to support mobile users' web information re-finding needs. The study also highlights the importance of user-created annotations in aiding the re-finding process. Future research should focus on developing more effective voice interfaces and exploring other methods to enhance mobile users' information re-finding capabilities.
Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0402001v1