On the Cost Distribution of a Memory Bound Function

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Title: On the Cost Distribution of a Memory Bound Function

Research Question: How does the distribution of effort required to generate an individual proof about the average of E·l affect the design of systems using Memory Bound Functions (MBF)?

Methodology: The study investigates the distribution of effort required to generate an individual proof about the average of E·l using Algorithm MBound. It examines the implications of this distribution on the design of systems using MBF, specifically in the context of spam prevention and the LOCKSS protocol.

Results: The study shows that the distribution of effort required to generate an individual proof about the average of E·l is fairly broad. This broad distribution has implications for the design of systems using MBF, particularly in the context of spam prevention and the LOCKSS protocol.

Implications: The broad distribution of effort required to generate an individual proof about the average of E·l has implications for the design of systems using MBF. It suggests that the choice of Eandl, and the system design surrounding the generation and verification of proofs of effort, need to take the breadth of the distribution into account. The study proposes an improved implementation that has a better generation cost distribution and other advantages.

Link to Article: https://arxiv.org/abs/0311005v1 Authors: arXiv ID: 0311005v1