Title: PSN1937
Research Question: How was the integration of high-level applications achieved during the commissioning of the Swiss Light Source?
Methodology: The study examined the integration of high-level applications during the commissioning of the Swiss Light Source. It analyzed the different programming languages and tools used, such as CORBA, Java, Tcl/Tk, and IDL, as well as the Common Device (CDEV) middleware.
Results: The research found that a careful balanced distribution of functionality into high and low-level applications was crucial for meeting the tight time schedule and ensuring high reliability. The high-level applications were implemented as server/client applications, while low-level applications were mainly built as EPICS process databases, SNL state machines, and customized drivers.
Implications: The approach of encapsulating and pushing functionality to lower levels whenever necessary reduced the setup time to a handful of physical parameters and allowed the use of standard EPICS tools for display, archiving, and processing of complex physical values. This resulted in high reliability and reproducibility.
In conclusion, the integration of high-level applications during the commissioning of the Swiss Light Source was achieved through a careful distribution of functionality into high and low-level applications, using various programming languages and tools. This approach ensured high reliability and reproducibility while meeting the tight time schedule.
Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0111021v1