Stable Semantics and the Clark Completion: A New Perspective

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Title: Stable Semantics and the Clark Completion: A New Perspective

Research Question: How can the Clark completion, a program transformation technique, be used to study the stable semantics of logic programs?

Methodology: The researchers studied the relationship between a logic program and its Clark completion, focusing on the semantic operators that underlie the different semantics. They drew upon existing knowledge and results, such as the correspondence between the stable models of a program and the models of its Clark completion.

Results: The researchers presented several corollaries on the stable semantics, demonstrating the strength of the operator-based correspondence. These results include continuity of the Gelfond-Lifs chitz operator in the Cantor topology, methods for obtaining stable models by means of limits of iterates of the Gelfond-Lifschitz operator, and results on the representation of logic programs by artificial neural networks.

Implications: The new perspective provided by the researchers allows for a better understanding of the stable semantics and its relationship with the Clark completion. This can lead to new insights and techniques for studying and applying logic programs in various fields. Additionally, the results can be applied to other semantic operators and semantics, potentially leading to further advancements in the field.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0402013v1