The Economic Efficiency and Public Policy of Online Contracts that Restrict Data Collection

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Title: The Economic Efficiency and Public Policy of Online Contracts that Restrict Data Collection

Abstract: This research investigates the controversy surrounding the ownership of information on the internet and the legal hooks companies use to prevent unwanted copying of their website data. It examines the role of software robots, known as spiders, crawlers, and bots, in this debate, particularly focusing on shopbots and pricebots that collect pricing and product information. The study also discusses technological methods used by websites to prevent unauthorized robotic activity, such as robot exclusion headers and blocking queries from specific IP addresses. Ultimately, the research highlights the economic efficiency and public policy implications of these issues, emphasizing the balance between protecting intellectual property and ensuring the free flow of information on the internet.

I. Background A. The struggle against unwanted copying of website information B. The role of software robots in this debate C. The distinction between robots and deep links

II. Methodology A. Research design and data collection B. Data analysis techniques

III. Results A. The prevalence and controversy of shopbots and pricebots B. The effectiveness of technological methods to prevent unauthorized robotic activity

IV. Discussion A. The economic efficiency implications B. The public policy implications C. The future of online information exchange

V. Conclusion A. Summary of key findings B. Implications for future research

VI. References

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0108015v1