The Witness Properties and the Semantics of the Prolog Cut

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Title: The Witness Properties and the Semantics of the Prolog Cut

Research Question: How can the semantics of the Prolog cut construct be explored and improved to better align with the witness properties, while maintaining its operational consistency?

Methodology: The study proposes a restricted system that preserves the choice and first-solution behavior of the Prolog cut but allows the system to have the witness properties. This system is described, and its abstract semantics is given, suggesting a deeper connection to logic.

Results: The research shows that the restricted system achieves a good compromise between the power and utility of the Prolog cut and the need for internal consistency in logic programming systems. It also introduces the concept of ifformulas, which allows a Prolog program with cuts to be given a "completed form."

Implications: The study suggests that the restricted system has a deeper connection to logic than simply permitting some computations which are logical. It also provides a new approach to the semantics of the Prolog cut, which may have applications in other areas of logic programming.

Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0201029v1