Tournament versus Fitness Uniform Selection
Title: Tournament versus Fitness Uniform Selection
Research Question: How does Fitness Uniform Selection (FUSS) compare to the Tournament Selection scheme in terms of performance on various problems?
Methodology: The researchers compared the performance of FUSS and Tournament Selection on a range of problems, including artificially constructed deceptive optimization problems, randomly generated integer-valued functions, and real-world problems like traveling salesman problems and set covering problems.
Results: The study found that FUSS performed better than Tournament Selection on deceptive optimization problems and randomly generated integer-valued functions. However, on real-world problems like traveling salesman problems and set covering problems, the results were inconclusive, suggesting that the choice of selection scheme depends on the specific problem at hand.
Implications: The study suggests that FUSS can be a useful alternative to Tournament Selection for problems where maintaining genetic diversity is crucial, such as deceptive optimization problems and highly multi-modal functions. However, the effectiveness of FUSS may vary depending on the problem, so a more comprehensive evaluation is needed for different types of problems.
Link to Article: Authors: arXiv ID: 0403038v1